Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today, during lecture in class, we are supposed to discussed on Planning Religious Facilities. How ever, due to excitement shows by my lecturer, it became an Islamic Built Environment lecture. It is not a heavy topic at all, but a pack and and easy to understand.

As a beginning, its just a question on how to plan a religious facilities. What is the basic? How we are supposed to provide it? Build it? The answer is exactly nothing, no basic requirement, no basic guideline. Nothing at all, except pious. How piouos we are will determine what and how we gonna build it. Why is it pious?? Pious muslim will have greater willingness and courage to provide the best for other muslim. To build and design it from 0, because we are the one who will be creating it, building it as what we need and what we want.

Why there is no specific basic?? For example, to have a dome, archway, and muslim’s country architecture design. That archway, dome and so on that people called “Islamic” is only a symbol that show the community of Islam. However, to create “Islamic” itself is not by the symbols. But through action and practice. How good we are in serving The Lord of The Lord. A Symbols is only a symbols. Anyone can use it. You can barely differentiate between a Malaysian's muslim with a non-muslim when their appearance looks alike. The non-muslim also can appears to looks like a muslim, and a muslim also can wear and appears like a non-muslims. In the end, symbols will only create misleading, and lead to misunderstanding. Then, only acts and how they fulfill their daily can show the differences.

To create a great islamic built-environment, the best formula is :

Islamic Values + Muslims Professional’s Creativity = Islamic Built Environment.

A good muslim professional’s should understand Islam from deep of his heart. The Pious one are different with just a Professional. The knowledge of Islam, worldview, and worldly, allows them to adapt islamic values into designation and planning of Built Environment. Allocation of certain development are not just made for aesthetic purpose, but also integrated with the translation of Sunnah and Quranic Referrence. Which make the base of planning more valid and practicable.

Then, in Accordance to feel "Islam" itself, live in it, and make it live. just like a bloom rose, everyone that nearing it, will sense the good smell of it,  like a lemon, fresh and inspiring, then people will not just live in Islamic community, but to practice an Islamic way of life and make it alive.
Perhaps, will find another source to update this entry. And I just can't wait to be in Dr. Spahic's class next semester.

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